goal setting

Hypnotherapy and Insomnia: Tips for better sleep

Hypnotherapy and Insomnia: Tips for better sleep

Insomnia: Poor sleep leads to worrying. Worrying leads to poor sleep. Worrying about sleep is like your mind trying to fight itself. That's a horrible place to be."Mind Insomnia is a big concern in our current society, it is said that 1 in 3 people suffer from it. The demands of our modern day lives often clash with our natural process of going to sleep. Whether it is night shift working or being overwhelmed with demands on us, from work, family, cost of living etc. Hypnotherapy can help with insomnia. If you have suffered from insomnia you are familiar with…
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Tips for how to get into ACTion

Tips for how to get into ACTion

ACT = Action Changes Things This blog is about the book "ACT The Ultimate Personal Development Handbook" and how it can support you. Supporting you to get into action. The book also beautifully contains the solution focused hypnotherapy strategy of the 3Ps (i.e. Positive Action, Positive Interaction and Positive Thought). Wanting to get into action but feeling stuck Have you ever felt stuck, at the mercy of circumstances, responding to the events of your life in either an anxious (frightened), angry or depressed way? Or you may have felt frustrated or have beaten yourself up because you couldn't get into…
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