Hypnotherapy can help with Depression

This is a picture with a light green woodland background. In the foreground is a picture of a woman wearing jeans sat down with folded arms on her knees looking downwards. She symbolises depression and how Hypnotherapy Swindon can help with  Overcoming Depression.

Working with Depression

Whilst anxiety and anger have some energy to them, depression is the opposite and shows itself as low or no energy, causing low motivation. Symptoms of depression are procrastination, low self esteem, as well as clinical depression. Luckily hypnotherapy can help with depression by helping get our minds back in balance. When our minds are in balance we take a healthier perspectives on the events in our lives. This can lead to more positive actions and a more optimistic outlook on life.

Depression shows itself in behaviours such as:

  • Not wanting to get out of bed
  • Sleeping more
  • Withdrawing from life and social events
  • Not caring.
  • Not looking after ourselves
  • Feeling demotivated

(Note: If you are suffering severe depression it may be advised to see your doctor first, as medication and observation can help. Hypnotherapy is a secondary service which can help with mild depression, as well as support GPs and other support agencies)

The GOOD NEWS is that depression is well understood we NEED NOT SUFFER!

Book your FREE consultation (Click on picture). Where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support you in overcoming depression. Hypnotherapy is a recognised strategy for helping with this. 

So how can Hypnotherapy Help with Depression?

Here are some of the ways:

  • The hypnotherapy process explains the causes of depression, it’s primitive evolutionary function and more importantly what we can do about. It is something with help we can control.
  • The hypnotherapy process raises serotonin levels which helps us deal with depression. Serotonin is the chemical that gives us that wellbeing feeling which makes us happier, more able to cope and braver. The way we generate serotonin is through taking positive action, having positive interactions and thinking positive thought. The result of these actions is we feel better more hopeful and so more willing to take action in our lives.
  • The hypnotherapy process addresses the negative thoughts which cause depression Simply put, think a negative thought, feel a negative feeling and act in a negative way. Negative thoughts are naturally addressed when our serotonin levels are increased, when we feel better we think better. Challenging the validity of the negative thoughts also reduces their impact. Alternatively we can simply choose to think more positively 😊. Our minds can be thought of as a projector screen, what we project on the screen is what we end up reacting to both emotionally and physically. What difference would a more optimistic movie make?
  • The hypnotherapy process also helps us raise self-esteem. Self-esteem means we value ourselves and see ourselves as deserving. With greater self-esteem we are able to stand up for ourselves and have the energy and desire to partake in life.

Book your FREE Consultation

So if you recognise the above and would like help to get your energy and motivation back, contact ACT hypnotherapy and get the old you back!

Book your FREE consultation , where you will learn how the brain works. You will learn about the stress bucket model, how we create the various mental health issues. But more importantly you will learn what we can do about mental health issues.

Accreditation: National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH), Association of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH), Association of Neuro-linguistic Programmers (ANLP)