Contact Us

A picture of 4 rounded squares. One contains "@", one a phone symbol, one a envelope symbol and one a location symbol.  This is to represent getting in contact, contact us

Book your FREE Consultation (Contact Us)

Reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form. I will get back to you as soon as possible so that we can start our journey together. 😊

I appreciated that taking the first step to, pick up the phone, send that e-mail or complete the contact form can be a little daunting. So be assured that you will be met with the utmost consideration, discretion and warmth.

And remember the FREE (1 hour) consultation. This is entirely for you so that we get to know each other. You will learn about hypnotherapy and how the brain works and creates anxiety and depression. You will also learn what we can do about anxiety, depression etc. But more importantly you have the opportunity to share what has bought you to hypnotherapy, what you would like to get from it and have any question and concerns answered.

Or fill out the contact form.

LOCATIONS – There are two face to face locations. Additionally the therapy can be effectively conducted online.

AHEAD4THERAPY rooms (North Swindon)

8, Abbey Meads Village Centre, Elstree Way, Swindon SN25 4YX 

On the left next to TESCO

The Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre

23 Bath Rd (A4289), Old Town, Swindon SN1 4AS

Between Pizza Express & Avenue Rd

Contact information Tel:07436606213

Supportive Quotes

  • Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it.”― Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
  • People don’t come to therapy to change their past, but their future. (Milton Erikson)
  • You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means to establish a favourable climate in which to learn (Milton Erikson)
  • All problems in life are problem trances, and all solutions are solution trances (Igor Ledochowski)
  • There are no limitations, unless you create them yourselves. Anything is possible. You are only limited by your own imagination. Dolores Cannon
  • Never give up with someone with mental illness, when “I” is replaced by “We” Illness becomes Wellness. Shannon Adler
  • “You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.” Dan Milman

Accreditation: National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH), Association of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH), Association of Neuro-linguistic Programmers (ANLP)