Hypnotherapy can help with Anger Management

A picture of a man with clenched fists. The man is wearing a grey jumper. Only the man's upper torso is visible. The hands are clenched in an angry gesture. The purpose of this picture is to represent anger and act as a link to the anger management page where the reader can read more about anger and how Hypnotherapy Swindon can help. It addresses the relationship between hypnotherapy anger.

Impact of Anger

Unlike anxiety, which is an internal emotion, ANGER is an external active emotion that can have significant impact on our lives. It can impacts our work life, our private life and our social life. The effects of anger is visible for all to see. It can have long term destructive, and often irreversible consequence on our careers, our relationship and on us too. Anger, and its suppression, can have a lasting effect on our health. Effects such as high blood pressure, loss of sleep, headaches, risk of strokes, increased heart rate! Therefore anger management is a critical element of wellbeing. Hypnotherapy can support wellbeing by helping manage anger.

How Hypnotherapy defines Anger?

Anger is a primitive way of raising our energy in order to defend ourselves from perceived threats in our lives. It is a primitive response which was useful when we were cave people and needed to keep ourselves safe from sabre-toothed lions and unfriendly tribesmen. However it is not appropriate in many cases in these modern times. When anger is disproportionate and has negative consequences on our lives, then it is time to reach out for help.

The GOOD news is that the causes of anger and how to manage it are well understood. Hypnotherapy will help you understand the intention behind anger (to keep you safe). It will also help you realise the cause is our thinking around life’s events. Once you understand that it’s your thoughts then you can regain CONTROL.

Book your FREE consultation (Click on picture). Where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support you in managing anger. Hypnotherapy is a recognised strategy for helping with this. 

How can Hypnotherapy Help manage Anger?

Hypnotherapy addresses negative thoughts and helps with anger by:

Emptying your stress bucket

Helping you empty your stress bucket. The stress buck is a way of describing our capacity to deal with the demands of our lives. When the stress bucket is full, we feel overwhelmed and so react in one of three ways anxiety, anger or depression. I’m sure that you may have had the experience of being overwhelmed and somebody makes a simple request of you and you snap at them. That is a sign of your stress bucket being full and a corresponding angry response.

Raising your serotonin levels

Helping you raise your serotonin levels, i.e. the neurotransmitter that is responsible for the feeling of wellbeing. Raised serotonin levels reduce negative thoughts. This is because when you feel happier you are more able to have a health perspective around any overwhelming situation. From that healthier perspective appropriate action can be taken to address it. Examples of actions are: ask for help, reduce your work load, realise that the external environment has a role to play too, i.e. it’s not just you!

Raising your self-esteem

Helping you to relax and have greater self-esteem. When you have greater self-esteem you are more able speak up for yourself and take control of any situation.

Book your FREE Consultation

For help to with anger management and to get the old you back, and avoid all those negative consequences, contact ACT hypnotherapy.

Book your FREE consultation (Click on picture). Where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support you in managing anger. Hypnotherapy is a recognised strategy for helping with this. 

Accreditation: National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH), Association of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH), Association of Neuro-linguistic Programmers (ANLP)