Hypnotherapy can help Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

This a picture with a blue sky and cloud background. At the front of the picture are two arms with one arm having handcuffs attached to it the other is free of those handcuffs. The purpose of this picture is to indicate that clients can be free from OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder with the help of Hypnotherapy Swindon.

Definition and symptoms of OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a condition where a person has obsessional negative thoughts, which result in compulsive and repetitive behaviour. The purpose of the behaviours is to gain control over the situations which cause them concern. Often these situations are outside of the persons direct control (e.g. illness). Hypnotherapy can help with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD.

Examples of behaviours can be: Hand washing, rechecking, hoarding valueless items, excessive cleaning, counting, excessive orderliness of objects etc.

Unpleasant thoughts (e.g. fear of hurting someone, being contaminated with germs, fear of illness such as cancer) drive the behaviour, as well as unpleasant images or urges. They create anxiety and unease which are temporarily alleviated by some sort of behaviour. (see above).

Whilst we all have moments when we recheck whether the front door is closed or if the iron is off, these are just fleeting anxieties. OCD suffers do these checks relentlessly without end never really permanently satisfied. Some indicators that the behaviour is no longer fleeting and help maybe appropriate are:

  • The behaviour is beyond your control.
  • Take up hours of your time
  • Can interfere with your work and home life

(Note: The level of discomfort and the trigger for reaching out for help is individual.)

OCD can be highly debilitating for both the sufferer and their families. Robing them of the joy in their lives.

The GOOD news is that OCD is understood. WE NEED NOT SUFFER!!

How can Hypnotherapy Help with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Hypnotherapy can help with you alleviating OCD, by focusing on the under-pinning anxiety rather than the presenting behaviours

It alleviates the need for behavioural control, by putting the client back into self control. Hypnotherapy does this by raising levels of the wellbeing neurotransmitter serotonin as well as using hypnosis to help the client relax. After all you can’t be anxious and relaxed at the same time!

In the hypnotherapy the cause is not seen as the presenting behaviour such as OCD or insomnia or anxiety. The cause is the absence of having a healthy perspective around the presenting behaviours. By recovering this perspective (the intellectual mind) the compulsive element of OCD behaviour is removed as there is understanding and a relaxed mindset around it.

(Note: We can have obsessive thoughts without the need for the compulsive behaviours)

So if you recognise the above and would like help to reduce the symptoms of OCD, contact ACT hypnotherapy and get the old you back! 

Call to ACTion

Book your FREE consultation. Where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support the change you desire.

You will learn how when our stress bucket is full we operate from the primitive cave person brain who has three modes of operation, fight, flight or freeze. These modes of operation are emotionally translate to anxiety, depression and anger. But more importantly you will learn what to do about it!

Accreditation: National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH), Association of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH), Association of Neuro-linguistic Programmers (ANLP)