Hypnotherapy can help with Wellbeing

This is picture of a woman wearing a pink coat with an open arm gesture giving the impression of openness and wellbeing. She stands against a blurred background of green and blue which gives the impression of a landscape. The picture is designed to invoke wellbeing and that Hypnotherapy Swindon can help with wellbeing.

Wellbeing, Make it a Priority!

Hypnotherapy can help with the wellbeing defined in the quote:

Wellbeing is the experience of health, happiness and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and ability to manage stress. More generally, wellbeing is just feeling well.” (Psychology Today)

Most of us would aspire to having the wellbeing defined above. It puts us in life’s driving seat and gives the best chance to live the lives we want!

Unfortunately, for various reasons, some of the aspects defined in the quote are all to often missing in life. Their absence shows itself as mental health issues, such as the primitive emotions of anxiety, anger, depression and the various associated behaviours. These behaviours can range from OCD, low self esteem, procrastination, fear of public speaking, fear of flying, insect phobias, addiction, stress and more.

The role of any form of therapy is to help the client return to whatever form of wellbeing they choose. Each of use has their own definition of wellbeing based on our values, aspirations.

The GOOD NEWS is that well-being is well understood. Hypnotherapy can support you in getting the wellbeing you want.

Book your FREE, no obligation, consultation, where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support the change you desire.

How can Hypnotherapy Help with Wellbeing?

At the heart of the Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (SFHT) is the strategy to increase levels of the wellbeing neurotransmitter “Serotonin”. When we produce a constant flow of serotonin we are nice, happy, coping brave little souls.

Wellbeing helps us let go of the anxious, frightened and depressed responses of the primitive mind and gain access to the intellectual mind. When we operate from the intellectual mind, we are generally positive and get things right in life, based on a proper assessment.

To help generate that serotonin SFHT uses:

  • An explanation of how the brain works, how anxiety, depression etc. is created and more importantly what we can do bout it. The explanation provides us with a road map, which maps out our current location and our destination.
  • Elements of solution focused therapy. This therapy’s strategy provides the solution focused aspect of SFHT. It focuses on what we want rather (solution) rather than what we don’t want.
  • The use of NLP techniques such as “Swish” (which helps with dealing with the anxiety response) and the “Rewind” (which helps deal with phobias)
  • Hypnosis and relaxation
  • Challenging and replacing negative thinking
  • The promotion of taking positive steps towards our goals, i.e. positive actions, positive interaction and positive thinking.

All of the above is explained in the FREE consultation so don’t worry if you don’t fully understand. (Look to “Solution Focused Hypnotherapy” for additional explanation)

Book your FREE Consultation

So if you recognise the above and would like help to develop even more of your wellbeing contact ACT hypnotherapy.

Book your FREE, no obligation, consultation, where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support the change you desire.

To wish to be well is part of becoming well! (Seneca the Younger)

Accreditation: National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH), Association of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH), Association of Neuro-linguistic Programmers (ANLP)