Gratitude and how to use it to be Happy!

The struggle ends when gratitude begins Neale Donald Walsch “Gratitude” practice is one of those therapeutic and personal development tools that is often cited in books and on trainings. So what is the underpinning theory that accounts for its effectiveness, its ability to “end struggle”? How can it make us feel happier and give us […]
Self talk, how to make it work for you!

One of the simplest ways of making changes in our lives is by “flipping the script”. Change negative self talk into positive self talk. However this seemingly simple strategy does take some practice and understanding. If it was that easy then we would just say a few new positive words and our lives would be […]
Speaking in Public : How to overcome the fear

Public Speaking: You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along’. Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt Public speaking is one of our greatest fears. […]
International day of Friendship

I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” — Helen Keller When you look at life and people that are resilient and happy, often there is something in their lives that makes the difference. One of the key differences is that they have a strong support network. That […]
Unleashing your Potential

To celebrate my Hypnotherapy in Practice diploma (NCH) I wanted to share with you one of my favourite stories. It beautifully describes how easily we can move beyond our limitations. How we can regain our potential, once we have a perspective on what is keeping us back. Story of a Baby elephant and Potential This […]