How to change your thoughts, change your life

A picture with a graduated grey background simulating a blackboard. In white chalk like writing are the words "HAPPY THOUGHT". The "O" in the thoughts is replaced by a red shiny heart. The purpose of the picture is introduce the idea that thoughts are powerful. If we change how we think we can change how we live.

Thoughts and the Comfort Zone The introductory “Comfort Zone” blog shared the idea that THOUGHTS lead to Feelings and Feelings lead to action (behaviours). This is true whether the thoughts are negative or they are positive, the body mind does not discriminate. So it makes sense if we want to lower the comfort zone barrier […]

How to expand Your Comfort Zone: A Path to Personal Growth

This is a representation of the comfort zone. The picture background is a light grey. On the background are there overlapping circles in the the shape of a triangle. One is orange and has the words "Is it true?, I can't, what if I fail, what if I get found out?", the next one is in green and has the words "Anxiety, stress, fear, depression" and the third is yellow and has the words " Overworking, drinking too much, over eating". The three circles are enclosed by a dashed box with the words comfort zone above it. This picture represents the comfort zone and what the boundaries consist of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

This blog is for you, if you find yourself stuck in a particular area of your life. You’ll learn how your comfort zone came about and how to move forward with greater clarity, peace and wisdom. The Comfort Zone We all have a comfort zone, a place where we feel at home and safe. It […]

How to develop a Gratitude Habit so that you are back in control

Gratitude Definition Definition: Gratitude, thankfulness, or gratefulness is a feeling of appreciation (or similar positive response) by a recipient of another’s kindness. This kindness can be gifts, help, favors, or another form of generosity to another person. (Wikipedia) HOW TO BUILD A GRATITUDE HABIT? Being grateful seems to be an obvious thing to do. Why wouldn’t we? Gratitude raises […]

Hypnotherapy and its use of Hypnosis and Trance?

This is a drawing picture of a brain. One half is black and white and has a cloud of mathematical and scientific symbols around it. representing the thinking logical part of the mind. The other half is splattered with colours (reds, yellow, blues and greens) and symbols like music notes. This represents the creative part of the mind. The picture is being used to support the explanation of Hypnosis Trance .

So what is Hypnosis ? Hypnosis and Trance has got a bad press from its association with light entertainment shows and B movies of old. Let me reassure you that hypnosis is nothing like that happens. In fact it is quite mundane, it is the fact that it is ordinary which makes is so powerful. […]

How to make change – by writing your own story

This is a picture of a movie clipper board. The main body of the board is black withthe words "Your Story" in handwriting font in read. Underneath those words are the words in white: Director - You" "Camera and Date" the Clipper board is in the ready to snap position with the arm being a stripped black and white. The clipper board is sitting on a black and white fine lined parquet design background. The purpose of the image is to illustrate your own story theme of this blog.

Living the life you want – by writing a better story Your own story – Stories are an important part of life, they define who we are, our values and inspirations and aspirations. They define how we got to where we are in life and more importantly where we are heading. “If you don’t know […]

Exploring the Imposter Syndrome Solutions (Part 3)

This is a blackboard with the word "Script" written on it in chalk. The word script has been reversed to read tpircs. The purpose of this is to suggest that we think differently about the imposter syndrome, to flip the script and think of it as a positive supportive thing.

A way forward – Flipping the Script Imposter Syndrome Solutions: When looking at blog part 2 “The Imposter Syndrome Anatomy” it is natural to want to get rid of those unhelpful feelings of being an imposter or having a syndrome. But what if we “flipped the script” and reframed it as a positive?. A different […]

Exploring the The Imposter Syndrome Anatomy (part 2)

This a beautiful picture of a light blue background with in the foreground a picture of an atomic chemical structure. The structure comprises of blue atoms connected together to form a three dimensional structure. The purpose of the picture is to highlight that the imposter syndrome has elements to it.

The “Imposter Syndrome” Anatomy Imposter Syndrome Anatomy: In part two we look at the causes and structure of the “Imposter Syndrome”. When we understand we ACT. (Remember this is part two of the three blog series – it might be helpful to read part 1 first) Now this is my take on the anatomy of […]

Exploring the Imposter Syndrome (Part 1)

This is a picture of rows of lilac cylinders, amongst the row of cylinders is a pink cube that is trying to fit into a round hole. The purpose of the picture is to reflect the blogs title of an imposter syndrome.

“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” Maya Angelou What is the imposter syndrome (For brevity on occasion I’ll refer to Imposter Syndrome as “IS”) Simply put an “Imposter Syndrome” is where we feel we are outside of our abilities and feel vulnerable and insecure. […]