The importance of being part of a tribe
As a species (humans) we are not very good at surviving as individuals. We haven’t got powerful claws or jaws to defend ourselves. Nor are we particularly good at running fast or climbing trees to avoid predators. So in order to survive we need to belong to a pack, a tribe of like minded people (family, club, organisation). In that tribe, through collaboration, increased vigilance and muscle and mind power, we have managed to carve a niche out in the natural world. In fact we have become the number one species.
So being in a tribe is important from purely a survival perspective. That can be back in the day when we were cave people or in modern times.
When we are part of a tribe we feel secure, safe and able to relax and be ourselves. When we are relaxed we can access creative resources which are unavailable when we are constantly looking out for danger. After all its hard to write a poem or paint a picture when we are being chased by a sabre toothed lion, or it’s modern day equivalent.
So being part of a tribe affords use the space to relax and be ourselves and enjoy life. That feeling of wellbeing and safety comes from our evolutionary biology. When we were cave people, whenever we did something that promoted survival, e.g. supporting the tribe, we were rewarded with a feeling of wellbeing. That feeling of wellbeing gave us the space to be innovative and the rest is history. That feeling of well being comes from the neurotransmitter Serotonin.
So if you want to “Thrive rather than just Survive” join a tribe! 😊
What happens if we loose our tribe?
The opposite is true, when we find ourselves isolated from our tribe, through circumstances such as redundancy, illness, bereavement, working from home (covid). We end up in survival mode. This is where anxiety, depression and even anger can arise and even lead to mental illness. Unwittingly we can end up being trapped in these unhelpful emotions, which can prevent us from seeking the help that we need.
The many tribes in our community (an antidote)
The causes of mental ill health are complex and yet sometimes relief from the effects of mental ill health can be simple and straightforward. For example if you take isolation, such as that caused by the circumstances listed above, the remedy could simply be to join a club, get a hobby that connects you to the world and people and the community.
Just because the causes of mental ill health is complex it doesn’t mean that the solution has to be. Sometimes the simple things and the smallest of steps can be the very thing that makes the difference. A simple smile can change not only one but two peoples day.
If you look cat societies you will find that there is an invisible support network that exists in the background. An army of good hearted people running charities, refuges, clubs (scouts, girl guides, badminton clubs, walking groups, dancing clubs) churches and more. They provide not only an outlet for our interests but also that opportunity for human contact and sense of belonging. They are the source of serotonin that helps us thrive rather than just survive.
There are also the commercial networks that keep a watchful eye on the community. I’m talking about the delivery drivers, the milk man, the postie, the local shop keeper, the mental health first aider at work. All this provides that security and wellbeing that help us be more relaxed. Its so much in the background that we do not appreciate it until we need to call on it.

A group near you
So if you need to top up your serotonin and want the security and sense of belonging of a group of like minded individuals why not do a google search . There’s loads of clubs and groups to choose from and I bet you will be most welcome and encouraged to get involved. If you are not careful you will end up on the committee as happened to me 😊.
Most clubs will know that sometimes its hard to step into an unknown group and will make you feel welcome. Alternatively you can get someone to come with you. Remember it’s not for life. If you don’t like a particular group or activity you can stop and find something that suits you better. “Try before you buy”.
In a previous blog called a “How to find in Every Cloud a silver lining” I talked about a group of Artists that had set up a charity to help with mental wellbeing through the use of art. In this blog I would like to introduce a not for profit organisation called “Swindon Makerspace”.
It as space created by the members for the members and is a 24 hour place where you can make things and repair things. If you are into woodworking, metal work, crafting, 3D printing you will find all the gubbins that you need.
I went with Mel, the other member of ACT ,to an open evening to explore what they offered. Mel is into her crafting ( ). We found the place well equipped, full of friendly people, getting on with various projects. It was uplifting and inspiring.
I’m sure you will have something similar to it near you.
How being part of a tribe fits in with Hypnotherapy
One of the underpinning strategies of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is the encouragement of wellbeing through the 3Ps. Positive Action, Positive Interaction and Positive Thinking. The three Ps is a formula for creating more of the wellbeing neurotransmitter serotonin. When we take Positive Action, have Positive Interactions and have Positive Thoughts we are tapping into our evolutionary biology that helped us survive and thrive. So being part of a tribe (Positive Interaction) is part of the 3P wellbeing strategy.
ACT Hypnotherapy and Personal Development is called ACT because small actions lead to big changes. Action Changes Things 😊. I like the reframe that most people say that they will take action when they feel better, we say “Take action and you will feel better”.
So if you would like to know more about how hypnotherapy can help you, take advantage of a FREE one hour consultation. During the consultation you will learn how the mind works. You will learn how we create anxiety, anger and depression and unhelpful behaviours. But more importantly you will learn what we can do about them.