The power of a smile
“Don’t cry because its difficult, smile because it’s there”
How Smiles can impact Mindset
If you are interested in mindset and more importantly how we can access our confidence and resilience even in challenging situations then you may have already discovered that it’s the small things that make the difference. And in particular actions that are consciously taken.
So here’s one small thing that has a disproportionate affect on our wellbeing and mindset and that’s the simple smile. It can be a knowing smile to yourself, or to a loved one, to a colleague or to a complete stranger.
Even reading the word smile or seeing π emoji can bring a smile to our faces…. Go on did you smile then.?
When is it best to smile?
I hope that question put a smile on your face as the answer is self evident.
Of course the answer is as often as possible. A genuine heart felt smile is always fresh and will always have a positive impact.
One of the best times to smile to yourself is first thing in the morning. You know that time when we are still a little asleep and the thoughts for the day haven’t arrived yet, that exquisite opportunity to plant a seed of joy in our minds and to set us up for a more positive day. Delicious!
Another good time is just before you go to sleep at night. Thinking of all the good things that have happened in the day and made you smile will help you go to bed in a good mood and will help with your sleep. Good sleep leads to a clearer mind and so a more choice-full day.

Benefits of smiling ?
Here’s some brief benefits of smiling:
- π It relieves stress and elevates mood.
- π It boosts the immune system and can lower blood pressure.
- π It can help reduce / cope with pain.
- π Smiling suggest success.
- π It makes you more attractive.
- π It keeps you positive.
So do an experiment and test it out today, up your π quota and see what happens. Smiles are contagious!
So as the saying goes “Pack up your trouble in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile. What’s the use of worrying it has never been worth your while, So pack up your troubles in an old kit bag and ” … All together now π, π, π…..
You might even want to take a π from the picture above and share it with one person today…..
A Hypnotherapy perspective
From a solution focused hypnotherapy perspective conscious smiling fits into the 3P strategy,
- Positive Action – Consciously smiling
- Positive Interaction – Often we share smiles with others
- Positive thinking – We are thinking we need to change our mood and smiling is a solution.
All these 3Ps increase our serotonin levels and make us feel better and so help us take back control of our mental health and wellbeing. What’s not to like!
And Finally
So if you want to find out more about mindset and how ACT Hypnotherapy Swindon can help you with anxiety, depression, OCD etc., or just want to find out more about how we work, contact us for a FREE, no obligation initial consultation.
During the consultation you will learn how the brain works, how we create anxiety, depression etc. But more importantly what we can do about them and how we can build a more confident and resilient mindset. Remember you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH), Association of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH), Association of Neuro-linguistic Programmers (ANLP)