Weight Management

Hypnotherapy can help with Weight Management

Weight Management



Learn how to change your mindset around food so you have CHOICE around what you eat. Enjoy creating a new healthy eating habit and enjoy taking back control. Find out why will power doesn’t work and what you can do instead. Bring the fun back into learning and creating the NEW you!

To find out more contact me and we can have a no obligation chat so that I can explain what is meant by the mindset approach and then answer any questions you may have. Only when you are happy to proceed we can continue. See below for more information.

The Challenge

Weight Management is an on going challenge. Billions are spent on diets, slimming clubs, medication, books, fitness regimes, gym membership. All these have their place. They can work depending on the dietary information, the individual, their motivation and levels of commitment and support. Hypnotherapy can help weight management in its own right or in combination with the other mentioned strategies.

All too often, though, using the traditional weight loss strategies our motivation wains and we return back to our original weight. Worse still we put weight on.

The Hypnotherapy approach

Hypnotherapy has recognised for a long time, that weight management is not about our weight but about our lifestyle, habits and mindset. We live a lifestyle of heavy demands, stress and anxiety. Overwhelmed we reach out for snacks, ready meals (pizzas), a piece of cake, a glass of wine, going for the easier option. We snack on fatty and tasty processed food full of calories. We know its is not right! There are even words for it “comfort eating” and “convenience food”, “takeaways”.

Now the above is quite understandable, when we are overwhelmed, we often do not have the capacity to do anything different.

The GOOD news is that the path to appropriate eating habits is well understood.

It is about putting you back in CONTROL. Not just around food but in control in your life in general. When you are in control you make decisions based on a proper assessment of your situation and generally the decisions are positive!

How can hypnotherapy help weight management?

A Mindset approach (Course)

Firstly you will be glad to hear that the weight management mindset course does not require you to constantly check your weight or sticking to strict diets. Nor will you be held accountable by the hypnotherapist or your peer group. Instead we focus on creating a more helpful mindset around food, giving you back control.

As the saying goesWe create our habits and our habits create us

The mindset approach firstly makes you aware of your unhelpful habits and then shows you how to create new and better ones. We help you move that temporary good feeling you have when you eat for comfort towards feeling good when you make better choices. Feeling good when you make better choices, makes you want to do more of these better choices, leaving behind the told unhelpful habits.

ACT Hypnotherapy offers a three session course, tailored for the individual, which covers.

This is a picture of a flier advertising a weight loss, mindset approach. The title is bright yellow with black writing. On the flier is a list of course content, a cyan round ACT logo with ACT in written in white also website and mobile number details.

Investment / Course Details

The investment for this weight loss mindset course is £195.

Three 1.5 hour sessions spread one week apart (with one follow up session). £195 to be paid in one payment.



  • An awareness exercise before the session to make you consciously aware of any inappropriate eating habits you may have. Once you are aware of these habits, because they are out in your conscious mind and visible, you can do something about them! 😊
  • You will also become clearer on your motivation for creating new healthier habits, i.e. what will it get you? and what will it get for others in your life. When you know why you are doing something it can raise your motivation and commitment.
  • You will learn the one brain, two minds model and why even though logic tells us to STOP eating unhealthily we still do. This explains why resistance and will power doesn’t work.
  • You will begin to be conscious of what thoughts are in your mind when you chose to eat inappropriately and begin to change them.
  • You will learn how unwittingly we create unhealthy habits. How we automatically live from those habits until we DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
  • STOP self -sabotage thinking in it’s tracks! You will learn how to STOP negative self talk, as well as learn to be kinder to yourself with your internal dialogue.
  • You will be given a nice and relaxing mp3 relaxation track to listen to before you go to sleep at night. This will help tremendously.
  • You will also have some information notes to take home with you to review during the week (It only takes 5 minutes to read😊). These will help you, begin to notice some any unhelpful habits. It also keeps the learning current in your mind before we meet again.


  • A little more around were our eating habits come from. They come from our families and out cultures and general expectations when we do social events.
  • You will learn how the habits we create in the brain operate. Why automatically we reach for the unhealthy snacks and what we can do to start creating new habits. Breaking the old and CREATING the new.
  • You will look at your internal dialogue and the negative things you say to yourself. Also you will more useful things to say to encourage yourself and raise your willingness towards healthier eating habits.
  • Strategies for dealing with social events (parties, buffet) where there is pressure to eat more than you want to. Learn how to just say “NO” and feel really good about it! Taking back CONTROL feels good.
  • You will understand why we focus on habit change (mindset change) rather than food. The “Don’t think of a blue elephant” trap.
  • And the best bit you will continue to listen to that lovely relaxation mp3 track over the coming week to increase relaxation, sleep and to help the process of letting go of the old unhealthful habits making room for the new.
  • You will get a summary sheet to review during the week (5 minute read time).


  • We will look at our evolutionary biology and the brain chemistry which motivate us to get getting us into action, so that we feel good. Having more of these, stop us from eating from boredom or for comfort etc.
  • We will look at how to generate more of those feel good neurotransmitter so that you feel more relaxed, happier and make better choices in your life and around eating.
  • You’ll get to know the gremlins in your mind, that come up with the excuses for unhealthy eating (e.g. I deserve it , I’m tired, we’ll start again after the weekend – do you recognise them?). You’ll also get to know the sensible support team that is on your side and knows you can do anything you want to.
  • You will learn a power technique that can raise you mood instantly to address emotional eating.
  • We will recap on some of the learnings from session 1 and 2.
  • Of course you will have the mp3 to keep to listen to as you beyond these sessions as well as the summary note.

Additional Information

  • Throughout the three sessions you will have the support of a trained hypnotherapist. See About us.
  • See Privacy/Cancellation for cancellation policy.
  • REALITY CHECK: This is not a magic bullet, the more you apply this material yourself the better the results. However when you use the motivation that bought you to this page, as well your natural ability to succeed you have demonstrated in other area of your life, you will be amazed at the results.
  • If you are suffering high levels of anxiety and unable to concentrate or focus on the above material, it might be worth addressing the anxiety first. Too much anxiety can affect the level of engagement with this strategy. Please get in touch with me to discuss further 😊.

Let's have a chat

Contact me and have a no obligation chat, so that I can explain what is meant by the mindset approach and then answer any questions you may have. Only when you are happy to proceed we can continue.