Stop Smoking

Hypnotherapy can help to stop smoking

Help with STOP smoking

If you are reading this you have already taken the first step to stopping smoking. That first step is to reach out for help with quitting.

On this page I don’t need to talk about the negative consequences of smoking, the health implications, the antisocial elements, the smell and sometimes shame or just frustration with yourself and of course the expense. You are already aware of those things which motivated you to get some help.

You would probably have tried to give up already by:

  • Abstinence, i.e. the uses of sheer will power, going cold turkey.
  • Cutting down. Just smoking in the weekend.
  • Nicotine replacements and E-cigarettes.
  • You may have succeeded and given up for a time and in a moment of weakness had started again.
  • You may have felt bad about yourself for not being able to do it or make light of it by joking “I can quite smoking, I do it many times a year”
  • You may be waiting for the right time, when there is less stress, when you are ready.
  • Or you may justify to yourself the habit, i.e. it helps me relax, I enjoy it.

Instead of talking about all that, we will be talking about the GOOD NEWS and that is you can stop smoking once and for all!

Plenty of people do and look forward to a healthier future. 240,000 smokers give up each year and 660 will give up today.

So if you are READY to give up smoking and enjoy a healthier future, book your FREE, no obligation, consultation. Where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support you in dealing with the smoking habit. Hypnotherapy is a recognised strategy for helping with this.  

QUIT Smoking course (2 sessions) – £180

How Hypnotherapy can help

Like the saying goes “Where there’s a will there’s a way”, Viktor Frankl (a famous psychologist) added to this well known phrase “and when there is an aim (a focus) there is a will”.

So having clarity of “what you want rather what you don’t want” as well as a good reason for quitting smoking (health worries, cost, for family reasons impact on children, or just being fed-up with the “giving up” struggle) will help you STOP smoking.

ACT Hypnotherapy will work with you via a two session ( 1.5 hour x 2) QUIT Smoking course to:

  • Give you an understanding of why you smoke and why you feel trapped by the habit.
  • It’ll help you recognise the causes and what to do about them.
  • It will explore the various beliefs about smoking (i.e. it is addictive, it helps you relax)
  • It will give you a number of strategies to deal with any cravings so that you are back in control.
  • You will receive a relaxing mp3 track that which will help tremendously.

So if you are READY to give up smoking and enjoy a healthier future, book your FREE, no obligation, consultation.

Where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support you in dealing with the smoking habit. Hypnotherapy is a recognised strategy for helping with this. 

QUIT Smoking course (2 sessions) – £180