
Hypnotherapy can help people with Anxiety

Anxiety and its symptoms

Hypnotherapy helps people with anxiety, stress and worry by raising their wellbeing and so reducing their stress levels.

So why is Hypnotherapy needed to help with anxiety in these modern times? Well, in these times there is so much demand on us, as well as so much uncertainty (e.g. cost of living crisis). The demands of our lives outweigh our capacity to deal with them. We are forced to live from the primitive fight, freeze, flight mindset. One of the signs of the primitive mind response is anxiety.

(Note: The primitive mind is part of our brain which evolved first and its function is to keep us safe. But like any strength if it is over used it becomes a weakness)

When we are anxious, our bodies become tense, making us exhausted, it affects our sleep which makes things worse. A vicious cycle is created, of not sleeping well, being tired during the day, and consequently under performing. We feel out of control, uncertain and insecure, which breeds further fear (anxiety). All of this can be accompanied with symptoms such as a tight chest, restlessness, shallow breathing, negative thoughts about the future etc.

The GOOD NEWS is that anxiety is well understood we NEED NOT SUFFER!

The GOOD news is that anxiety is well understood. WE NEED NOT SUFFER!!

Book your FREE, no obligation, consultation (Click on picture). Where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support you in dealing with anxiety. Hypnotherapy is a recognised strategy for helping with this.

How can Hypnotherapy Help Anxiety?

It can help you with


Raising your serotonin level

Serotonin is the wellbeing neurotransmitter that makes us feel well. You know when you have appropriate levels of serotonin because you feel relaxed, optimistic, can think clearly, you can find solutions more easily and see obstacles as opportunities and positive challenges rather than problems. The symptoms of anxiety naturally dissipate when you have a sense of wellbeing.


Sleeping better

When we have greater levels of serotonin we sleep better because there is lower levels of anxiety (there is no need for our primitive minds to wake us up). Better sleep supports wellbeing giving you more capacity to fully engage with life.


Negative thinking

Anxiety comes from negative thinking. Simply put, think a negative thought, have a negative feeling, react in a negative way (i.e. anxiety). The opposite is true too, think a positive thought, feel a positive feeling and so react in a positive way. So thinking is important. Solution focused hypnotherapy has strategies to help you think more positively as well as address any negative thoughts by challenging them.



Hypnotherapy can help you relax more and reduce anxiety. Relaxation is the antidote to anxiety, i.e. you can’t be anxious and relaxed at the same time.

Book your FREE consultation. Where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support the change you desire.

Where you will learn how the brain works and how to use it to support you in dealing with anxiety. Hypnotherapy is a recognised strategy for helping with this.