This is a drawing picture of a brain. One half is black and white and has a cloud of mathematical and scientific symbols around it. representing the thinking logical part of the mind. The other half is splattered with colours (reds, yellow, blues and greens) and symbols like music notes. This represents the creative part of the mind. The picture is being used to support the explanation of Hypnosis Trance .

Hypnotherapy and its use of Hypnosis and Trance?

So what is Hypnosis ?

Hypnosis and Trance has got a bad press from its association with light entertainment shows and B movies of old. Let me reassure you that hypnosis is nothing like that happens. In fact it is quite mundane, it is the fact that it is ordinary which makes is so powerful.

Hypnosis and Trance is a natural phenomenon. We go into trance when we go to the movies, go for a run, daydream, even when reading these words. We really do, do it all the time. In fact it’s harder to stay out of trance than go into trance. We spend our days going from one trance to another, i.e. the tea making trance, the teeth brushing trance, the checking our text on the mobile phone trance. So we are experts at it!

It is defined as a heighten focused and concentrated state of mind. We go into trance when our attention is focused and engaged on something that is interesting or fascinating or we have a fear around something. You know that feeling when you are watching an entertaining film, that is you being entranced by the film. When we go to the movies we get to choose the type of trance. It can be a romance, a comedy, a horror movie, car chase etc.

Trance and Hypnotherapy

From the perspective of Hypnotherapy the cinema analogy is very apt. Clients come to therapy when they are stuck with an unwanted movie that is running in their minds. Hypnotherapy helps the client change the unwanted movie (anxiety, depression etc.) which they are watching to one that they do want (i.e. confident, resilient, happy, free etc.)

Hypnotherapy is permissive. You partake in the hypnotherapy process to whatever degree is right for you. You are always in control! And only a light trance is required for effective therapy. Some people may experience it as a nice dreamy state, whilst some others will feel as if they are fully awake. There is no right or wrong!

To lead you into trance the therapist reading to the client a relaxing script. It is form of guided meditation. It’s no more complicated than that!! and of course we all have listened to guided meditations online. We even listened to them when we were children, when we had bed time stories read to us, stories that helped us relax, let go of the day’s stresses, so that we could easily drift off to sleep.