Mindset: The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again.
Albert Einstein
It can be said that how we view and experience the world is defined by our expectations, beliefs and values. These elements are all formed by our life experience, they form our mindset and our view of the world. Our mindset informs our reaction to the events in our lives.
However, when there is a mismatch between our mindset and the demands of our life, we find ourselves;
- Stuck
- Find resistance to taking action
- We suffer unwanted emotions (e.g. anxiety, depression anger)
To bring us back into balance something has to change. This change happens;
- By chance (i.e. unplanned exposure to a different perspective)
- By our determined effort
- Or through guidance and support, i.e. mentor / coach / therapist
All three of these strategies bring can expose us to new experiences and encourage change.
“Neuroplasticity is the ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization. It is when the brain is rewired to function in some way that differs from how it previously functioned” Wikipedia
Neuroplasticity is the GOOD NEWS. Our minds aren’t set forever, they can change when exposed to new stimuli, new experiences or challenges. Our minds can adapt to new life events.
Isn’t that amazing ?…. it turns out that ” An old dog CAN learn new tricks” (if it wants to or has to).

Neuroplasticity and Mindset
Personal development, coaching, therapy and other related disciplines, used in dealing with mindset mismatches, often talk about the importance of mindset.
However, in many ways the development / coaching / therapeutic process is about temporarily un-setting our minds. Our minds are temporarily unset by moving our attention to different perspectives to gather new information. Consequently, this new information is assimilated into our brains through the modification of our neurological networks.
One of the most important mindsets is the “Growth Mindset ( check out Carol Dweck’s book “Mindset” if you want to know more) as it is the parent mindset that guides the process of learning and the subsequent forming and reforming of our minds.
Brain scans demonstrate neuroplasticity and the forming and un-forming of the neurological networks.
The scans show that negative distressing emotions are located in the right prefrontal cortex of the brain ,whilst upbeat cheery emotions are located in the left prefrontal cortex. Richard Davidson (Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison) suggested that the positive state (i.e. the left prefrontal cortex region) can be learnt. The conscious act of viewing thoughts positively rearranged the brain. Brains of experienced meditation practitioners (e.g. monks) showed high levels of left prefrontal cortex activity.
An analogy
When thinking about the brain and our minds I think about “Jelly”. You know those cubes of flavoured gelatine we used to eat when we were kids. You could eat the cubes raw or dissolve them up in hot water and increase their size, to what seemed to be ten times the original size. It seemed like Pure magic to me! to see the dissolved jelly set in the refrigerator.
So if our minds are like that jelly, that can fit any mould, it is wise to choose a mould that promotes wellbeing and the development of the left prefrontal cortex.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapies role in Mindset change
From a Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (SFHT) perspective one of the key ways of developing the left prefrontal cortex is the 3P strategy of positive action, positive interaction and positive thoughts. When we take action and do some of the 3Ps, we generate the wellbeing neurotransmitter Serotonin. This helps us be more relaxed, cope better, be braver and even helps us with dealing with pain.
It also means that we are actually changing our neurological network so that in time positive thinking becomes our default way of thinking. Exciting isn’t it!
SFHT provides the mould (template) that can help overcome the various unwanted mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, anger, OCD, Phobias etc.
To find out more about Hypnotherapy and how it can help you, contact me for a FREE no obligation chat.
I’ll explain how the mind works, how we create anxiety, depression, phobias etc. but more importantly what we can do about them.
National Council of Hypnotherapy (NCH), Association of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH), Association of Neuro-linguistic Programmers (ANLP)