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A picture of a white plate with three jelly cakes on it. One is a red jelly raspberry flavour with some raspberries on top of it as well as some lying next to it. The raspberries are garnished with mint. There is an orange jelly with apple slices on top of it and a yellow jelly with banana slices on top of it. The purpose of the picture is to comment on mindset.
Personal Development

How to reset your mindset ?

Mindset Mindset: The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again. Albert Einstein It can be said that how we view

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A picture of a crocheted hot water-bottle cover with three pebbles beside it saying " relax", "Chill", "Escape" . In addition there are three pots containing cacti also crocheted in in three D. The cacti are vall different but one contains white prickly spikes. The blog is about work life balance.
Personal Development

How work life balance helps you?

Work life balance Work life balance: “You will never feel truly satisfied by work until you are satisfied by life.” Heather Schuck, The Working Mum

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