Smile : ” Ways a smile a day keeps the doctor away!”

The power of a smile “Don’t cry because its difficult, smile because it’s there” How Smiles can impact Mindset If you are interested in mindset and more importantly how we can access our confidence and resilience even in challenging situations then you may have already discovered that it’s the small things that make the difference. […]
Find out about Mental Health and being a Mental Health First Aider

Introducing John Meaney It gives me great pleasure to be introducing John Meaney as this weeks guest blog writer and Mental Health First Aider Instructor. I have known John for many years, amongst his many talents John is a Mental First Aider Instructor and Life Coach. John will be talking a little about mental health […]
Find out how beauty therapy promotes Well-being

Guest Blog Writer (Laura Clark) It gives me great pleasure in introducing Laura Clark as the writer of this week’s blog. Laura is a long standing beauty therapist , at Aurora Treatments, who uses her magic to help people look beautiful both on the inside and on the outside. Check out her facebook page . […]
Happiness: How to find the 3 Peas of Happiness

Mel Richens, of, is the guest writer for this blog on happiness. Mel is a crafter and has a particular interest in crochet, she is an accomplished crocheter. Visit her website for some amazing creations as well as her Etsy shop. In the blog below Mel describes how she uses the 3P strategy from […]
How to find in Every Cloud a silver lining

Every Cloud has a silver lining The inspiration for this Blog came from a discovery I made in the weekend. When driving home from a nearby town I felt the urge to pop into a local park. There was a sign in the carpark advertising a pop up Christmas shop, run by Every Cloud. As […]
If you learn from defeat, you haven’t really lost.

If you learn from defeat you haven’t really lost Zig Ziglar Growth Mindset (Learn) I love this quote from Zig Ziglar as it points to a growth mindset. The growth mindset has the potential to put our wellbeing and mental health back into our own hands. The growth mindset is when we have a goal […]
Five simple steps to Feeling Good. (Focus on the Good)

When you focus on the good, the good gets better. Abraham Hicks Focusing on the good When I saw this quote on Facebook I thought “Wow how true!”. Even reading the quote somehow made my life a little better. If only life was that easy, i.e. to focus on the good and move effortlessly to feeling better just by noticing […]
Sometimes the Best Hypnotherapy can be found in a Cup!

Keeping things Simple A wise person once said, it might have been Walt Whitman, that life is simple if it was complicated everyone would understand it. And so it is with any form of change work. So how can the simple cup of tea be the best hypnotherapy? Sometimes the simplest things can have the […]
Hypnotherapy and Insomnia: Tips for better sleep

Insomnia: Poor sleep leads to worrying. Worrying leads to poor sleep. Worrying about sleep is like your mind trying to fight itself. That’s a horrible place to be.” Mind Insomnia is a big concern in our current society, it is said that 1 in 3 people suffer from it. The demands of our modern day […]
Tips for how to get into ACTion

ACT = Action Changes Things This blog is about the book “ACT The Ultimate Personal Development Handbook” and how it can support you. Supporting you to get into action. The book also beautifully contains the solution focused hypnotherapy strategy of the 3Ps (i.e. Positive Action, Positive Interaction and Positive Thought). Wanting to get into action […]