Why finding your tribe is important

The importance of being part of a tribe As a species (humans) we are not very good at surviving as individuals. We haven’t got powerful claws or jaws to defend ourselves. Nor are we particularly good at running fast or climbing trees to avoid predators. So in order to survive we need to belong to […]
How to create helpful habits – Atomic Habits (James Clear)

Atomic Habits – “Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding.” Harvey Mackay Creatures of Habit Atomic Habits. When you look closely at human behaviour you soon discover that we are indeed creatures of habit. Habits allow us to do things on automatic pilot, without thinking. Typical habits are driving […]
How “slow down” can get you to your goal faster

Slow down, you move too fastYou got to make the morning lastJust kicking down the cobblestonesLooking for fun and feeling groovyBa da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy Simon and Garlfunkel The Hare and the Tortoise (Aesop’s fable) So why is it good to “slow down” and be more Tortoise when feeling overwhelmed? Lets check out Aesop’s […]
What is the Happiness Advantage?

The Happiness Advantage (Blog by Mel Richens) This thought-provoking, yet amusing TED Talk by Psyschologist Shawn Achor sets out to explain what he calls the happiness advantage. He seeks to turn the old notion that “I’ll be happy when I’m successful” on its head. In fact, we are much more likely to be successful when […]
6 Ways to use nature to help with relaxation

Forest Bathing (Shinrin yoku) and Relaxation Shinrin-yoku is a Japanese term that literally means “forest bathing,” and it refers to the practice of immersing oneself in nature as a way to promote health and well-being. It involves spending time in a natural setting, such as a forest or park, and engaging with the environment using […]
Perspective: Three Keys to Wisdom

You can’t get better by reading the instruction on the side of the medicine bottle, at some point you have to take the medicine Paraphrased from “How to Transform Your life” by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso The Three Keys to Wisdom (Perspective) Perspective? Have you ever scratched your head, felt stuck ,was all knotted up (with […]
Breath: How to take control of your Breath to deal with Stress

Using Breath to Manage Stress and Anxiety When the mind is agitated, change the pattern of the breath. ~Patanjali, Yoga Sutras So why is breath important ? Well, we can live 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water and 3 minutes without air. Lack of oxygen affects our brain’s ability to function. So having […]
How to reset your mindset ?

Mindset Mindset: The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again. Albert Einstein It can be said that how we view and experience the world is defined by our expectations, beliefs and values. These elements are all formed by our life experience, they form our mindset and our view of the […]
How work life balance helps you?

Work life balance Work life balance: “You will never feel truly satisfied by work until you are satisfied by life.” Heather Schuck, The Working Mum Manifesto Work life balance is a good thing to plan for! It supports well being as well as helps us use our brains more effectively, whether in our private or […]
Optimism, ways it helps overcome fear ?

The power of Optimism Optimism: Whether you think you can or can’t you are right! Henry Ford I love this quote on optimism as it can so easily get us into action. Just like turning on a tap. Isn’t that amazing! how the power of our thoughts can make such a dramatic change within us. […]