A picture of tea being poured into a china cup from a tea pot. It represents the time when we can relax and let go of tension. It is linked to the idea that the best hypnotherapy can be found in a cup of tea

Sometimes the Best Hypnotherapy can be found in a Cup!

Keeping things Simple

A wise person once said, it might have been Walt Whitman, that life is simple if it was complicated everyone would understand it. And so it is with any form of change work. So how can the simple cup of tea be the best hypnotherapy?

Sometimes the simplest things can have the biggest impact. One of my favourite self therapies is going for a cup of TEA! In Britain it is part of our psyche, the smell of a nice brew, the comforting taste of tea, that “Ahhh” moment when we dive into its flavour and take a moment to relax. And like all traditions, there is often more to them than the surface pleasure. The cliché often has true wisdom at its heart.

So when is the humble cup of tea used in a kind of therapy and where does it support wellbeing:

The tea-break (Best Hypnotherapy in a cup)

We use the tea-break at work to:

  • Create a space away from work, to break the tension, a break from work anxieties. It doesn’t have to be long, just enough to reset to a more relaxed mindset. It is a kind of power nap for the soul.
  • It creates a perspective on work, so that ideas, solutions can come to us. These solutions maybe obscured when we are full of work worry. It is a little bit like those Eureka moments. You know those times when you are on a walk and not even thinking about work and solutions to come to you from your unconscious. The same is true when we are away on holiday, away from it all and answer come to us. The name ACT – Hypnotherapy (and ACT Personal development) came that way. I was trying to think of a name for my practice but could not! So I went for a cup of tea and the name came to me. Sometimes you need that space for ideas to come through and a cup of tea is the perfect device for it.
  • A tea-break is also a time to share and catch up. Catch up with work colleagues in a more social environment. An environment where you can talk about families, DIY projects, sports scores, seek advice etc. Shared moments build teams, friendships and provide support.
  • A tea-break also creates an opportunity to mingle and mix with other departments, further fostering collaboration, team integration, and support.

Charity tea-mornings (Macmillan Cancer Coffee mornings)

Okay, okay they are coffee mornings but I bet that more than one cup of tea is consumed. There is a certain “je ne sais quoi” about tea that coffee just doesn’t reach. Tea makes cake taste so much better, well in my opinion at least. Coffee morning events have many functions:

  • They raise valuable money for the charities.
  • They provide a focus point for out pouring of emotions. After all, we all know some one that has suffer from a life changing illness. So it brings people together with shared purpose, maybe even shared memories of past loved ones. They are an outlet.
  • They give us a practical outlet to do something about our concerns.
  • They connects us to the greater community too.
  • Plus if you are a good baker you get to show off your skills and get some brownie points!
  • They are a statement that says “WE CARE!”

Break glass in times of Emergency

Its well know that in times of Trauma / Crisis as a nation we reach for a cup of tea. It’s short hand for we care, lets get away from the event and take time out to be cared for. Linked to this emergency response is the memories of people we were care by. People like mums, grandmother, friends even strangers that have stepped up and showed and shared their humanity with us. So when we have a cup of tea we access all that caring feeling and support.

Best Hypnotherapy in a cup!

So you can see that there is more to the humble cup of tea than meets the eye. You can see the effect it has on our mental wellbeing. And the great thing is that unconsciously we know it!

From a hypnotherapy perspective, all the above things that tea brings is aligned with the 3Ps strategy. The hypnotherapy 3P strategy is positive action, positive interaction, positive thinking. When we enact the 3Ps strategy we release serotonin into our bodies. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that gives us that wellbeing feeling. When we have a feeling of wellbeing, we feel more secure, we relax and are able to think more clearly and come up with solutions. Fitting the above observation about tea into the 3Ps model:

  • Positive Interactions. Tea facilitates connection with us, others and the wider community.
  • Positive action. It moves us away from perceived danger, that traumatic event or that stressful work situation. Away from the danger, we can relax and regain our senses, and so think more clearly and come up with solutions.
  • Positive thinking. It gives us the space to have a healthier perspective.

So you can see sometimes the best hypnotherapy comes in a cup…..

What Next ?

So if you want to know more how small steps can lead to big changes, or more about the 3P strategy or how hypnotherapy can help get the old you back, then book your FREE 1 hour consultation. It is a little bit like a virtual shared cup of tea. You will learn how the brain works, how we create anxiety, depression and anger, but more importantly what we can do about it! Book your consultation and I’ll put the kettle on.

A profile picture of a decorative china cup with an oriental motif.  Colours dark brown and greens with a picture of two oriental figures working in a garden. There is steam coming from the cup.  The intention of the picture is to demonstrate the power of having a cup of tea and that the best hypnotherapy comes in a cup.